Sign the Petition to Southwest Airlines

Every traveler of every size and ability deserves access and reasonable accommodation in air travel. This matters to millions of larger and disabled passengers and potential passengers. It also matters to the millions of people who we travel with, travel for, and travel to. 

As Southwest prepares to make changes to their planes and their boarding procedures, I join NAAFA in urging Southwest to immediately take the following actions:

  • Assess the impacts of all seating and boarding procedure changes on Customers of Size and disabled passengers, and publicly address how the airline plans to mitigate these impacts and ensure accessible travel.
  • Partner with NAAFA and other organizations that represent plus sized and disabled passengers to ensure that these communities’ expertise and experience are included in developing best practices.
  • Commit to continuing Customer of Size and other accessibility policies that ensure accommodations equal to or greater than existing policies.

Message to Southwest Airlines

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