Advocate Leadership Training
Learn how to become a leader in the battle to protect our shared family values!
Let us help you become an effective advocate to safeguard parental rights, protect children, and stand up for life in your community. We’ll train you!
Our dynamic training will teach you long-term strategies to win crucial fights like persuading your school committee to adopt policies that strengthen parental rights, prevailing upon your local library to remove graphic material, defeating local orders that threaten women and unborn babies, and more. Don't wait for someone else to bring the needed change where you live. Be the one to stand in the gap for children and families! Register today!
The cost to register is $20. In-person training includes a light breakfast and lunch.
The children and families in your community need YOU to advocate for them! Register for training today!
Advocate Leadership Training Details
Date: Saturday, May 18th, 2024
Time: 9 AM to 4 PM EST
Location: 765 West Boylston St., 2nd floor, Worcester