IPA Hybrid Workshop - Dallas - June 7, 2025
Here are details about the content of the event and activities. Early Bird Promo Codes, Member Pricing, and Hotel information follow. We need 5 pre-registrations one month in advance, so sign up today to make this a "go!":
WORKSHOP LEADER: Roger Merritt, LCMHC, Shy Bladder Center Member, and IPA Board Member. Learn more about Roger through his video link on our Shy Bladder Center page.
A workshop sponsored by the International Paruresis Association (IPA) is a safe, structured program to help you begin to recover from paruresis. Much of what happens involves relearning how to urinate in the presence of others. Yes, you will practice peeing near others in a structured, discreet, and safe environment. (See this video featuring Dr. Steve talking about our methods.)
Hybrid Virtual & Live: This is a one-day in-person workshop with pre- and post-event virtual support group sessions. If you’re unable to commit to a full weekend with us, try our new “Hybrid” format. The week prior to the in-person meet-up, participants meet online for the “getting to know you” and life-story sharing activities, along with learning how the exposure process will work on Saturday in-person. Saturday practice sessions involve desensitization exercises, usually with one or two other people (people always practice at a level that feels comfortable and that will ensure success). The following week, after real-world practice on your own, another virtual session is held to see how the new concepts are “sticking” in your life and provide coaching for the future. For more information about graduated exposure and what that entails, see our About Avoidant Paruresis page on the IPA Website. Additional information can be found on the IPA's "What is a Workshop" page.
- Wednesday, June 4: 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. by Zoom
- Saturday, June 7: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in person
- Wednesday, June 11: 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. by Zoom
Many attendees report that they were nervous before the workshop and quite reluctant to sign up, but after the first few hours wondered why they hadn’t sought help for their paruresis earlier. The fearful feelings are normal, so don’t worry too much about them, just bring them with you to the workshop and anticipate meeting a group of people just like yourself. You’ll feel at ease right away.
Your registration is 100% Money Back Guaranteed. If the IPA does not hold this event due to not meeting our 5 participant minimum, we will refund your registration fees. Women: if you require a female "pee buddy" and we don't deliver, we'll refund your fee, as well.
PRICING (US Dollars):
Basic Fee: Registration for the full event is $545
Current IPA Members save $100. Find the promocode on the members site here. Not a current member? Make a donation of $100 or more to IPA to join here. Please allow 2 business days for access to members site.
Special "Early Bird" Offer: Register at least one month in advance of the event and automatically save $50 on any ticket.
Returnee "Rebate" Offer: Previously attended any IPA workshop? Sign up one month in advance, let us know the date of your last workshop, and get a $100 rebate after validation.
Student Pricing: $195. Current undergraduate or technical school students, please add your current institution and valid student ID number where indicated. Student tickets are limited, so register early. Not eligible for member promo or rebate.
Pricing details outlined here. Don't let financial considerations keep you from attending a workshop. Make a scholarship request through this form.
The event will be held in a metro area venue. Once we achieve our minimum, we'll post location details here. Reminder: overnight accommodations are not included in the workshop fee.
We'll provide all the water you need to keep fluid loaded - and lunch on Saturday.
While the COVID-19 emergency has subsided, the IPA recommends that all participants be fully vaccinated prior to attending. Masks are optional (pending any local requirements). Attendees have a shared responsibility for event safety. High-risk attendees should take extra consideration before joining in person. Please ensure that you do not have symptoms, have not recently been diagnosed with or had direct contact with a known or suspected COVID-19 case or other communicable illness. The IPA will comply with any local, state or federal guidelines.
QUESTIONS? SPECIAL REQUESTS?: Email Tim Pyle, Executive Director, IPA tim@paruresis.org
Please Note: The information presented during the Event, including but not limited to ideas, suggestions, techniques, trainings, exercises, processes, activities, downloads, instructions, and other materials is educational in nature and is not medical or psychological advice or psychotherapy. A signed waiver and release form is required prior to attending. If you are having trouble urinating, you should always contact a physician since difficulty with voiding can be a symptom of a serious medical condition.