Your generous financial support makes it possible for The Family Foundation to advance and defend Biblical values across our Commonwealth. As we recently celebrated 35 years of ministry, help us continue to fight for life, defend religious liberty, and protect marriage and family at the Kentucky Capitol and in your community. Help us reach our goal!

*If you don't need the tax deduction and would like to support our direct advocacy and unrestricted lobbying efforts, we encourage you to give to TFFKY, our 501(c)(4) advocacy arm, by clicking here. And if you would like to give a gift of stock or other appreciated assets, please call our office at (859)255-5400.

Please use the form below to give a tax-deductible gift today:

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Contact Info

The Family Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that stands for Kentucky families and the biblical values that make them strong. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. In addition to giving online with a credit card or e-check, please know that you can always give by mail at P.O. Box 911111 Lexington, KY 40591 or by calling our office (859)255-5400. You can also email us at

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