By supporting The FAMiLY Leader Foundation (501c3, tax-deductible), you're helping promote and protect the foundational values of life, marriage and family, and religious liberty.
You can send a secure donation by filling out the form below, or you can send a check payable to The FAMiLY Leader Foundation by mail.
The FAMiLY Leader Foundation, PO Box 42245, Urbandale, IA 50323
If your interests are more focused on advancing pro-family policy, giving to The FAMiLY Leader (501c4 not tax-deductible) allows for more flexibility in engaging legislative and political activities, including the ability to engage in elections. Click here.
The FAMiLY Leader Foundation will not sell nor give any personal information of yours such as names, addresses, email addresses, etc. to any third party.
Security information: Credit card information is immediately sent from this page directly to a credit card processor in a secure encrypted electronic format. The processor is compliant with the highest level of the bankcard Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. The FAMiLY Leader Foundation has no access to your credit card account information before, during, or after this process. For more information, read full policies here.
All contributions given to The FAMiLY Leader Foundation are tax-deductible, and are assumed to be undesignated and may be spent at the discretion of the ministry and are not disclosed. If you have any questions please contact The FAMiLY Leader at 515.263.3495 or email info@thefamilyleader.com
For more information, read full policies here.