As you consider your Giving Tuesday support for non-profits that matter to you, please consider RCHS. We have a couple of major projects in the works right now, some of which is being done by volunteers, and some that need additional support to get them to the finish line. For example, we are replacing doors on our dog building that have seen better days. The new doors will serve us well long into the future, keeping exits secure and achieving more energy efficiency, but of course, they have to be custom made and you can imagine how the cost of those has risen these days.

You may have seen the demolition project of the old ISO section of our cat building. We’re SO grateful to the volunteers doing this work! We weren’t, however, able to get a large dumpster donated, so we need to cover that cost and some other infrastructure support for that project.

We are seeking to raise $10,000 for Giving Tuesday to help us be in good shape for years to come. 

Thank you for considering YOUR local shelter in your non-profit support for Giving Tuesday 2022.

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Please indicate the Tribute Name below and how you would like to share with the family that we have received a gift in tribute to their love one - either by email or regular mail
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