THANK YOU for giving to protect and cherish life!
By supporting the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders, you are giving a voice to fathers, mothers, and the voiceless unborn children of Iowa! Your (501c4, not tax-deductible) gift today will support education, mobilization, and lobbying efforts to make Iowa a state where ALL innocent life is cherished and protected by law.
You can give a one-time or monthly gift using the secure form below. Monthly gifts provide consistent support that ensures we can continue standing up for life.
Please note that all contributions to The Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders are processed through The FAMiLY Leader, a founding member of the Coalition, and will be used to support the life-saving work of the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders.
Online: You can send a secure donation online. Just fill out the form below and follow the directions to give a credit card donation. Minimum online contribution of $5 to cover processing costs, please.
Mail: You can send a donation by mail. Just mail your check payable to The FAMiLY Leader, PO Box 42245, Urbandale, IA 50323 and write ShesABaby.com in the memo line.
The FAMiLY Leader Foundation will not sell nor give any personal information of yours such as names, addresses, email addresses, etc. to any third party.
Security information: Credit card information is immediately sent from this page directly to a credit card processor in a secure encrypted electronic format. The processor is compliant with the highest level of the bankcard Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. The FAMiLY Leader Foundation has no access to your credit card account information before, during, or after this process. For more information, read full policies here.
All contributions given to The FAMiLY Leader Foundation are tax-deductible, and are assumed to be undesignated and may be spent at the discretion of the ministry and are not disclosed. If you have any questions please contact The FAMiLY Leader at 515.263.3495 or email info@thefamilyleader.com
For more information, read full policies here.