The pro-life, pro-family work of the Pennsylvania Family Council cannot happen without the generous support of concerned citizens like you. Please consider a generous gift or sustaining pledge to the Pennsylvania Family Council, and be a part of making Pennsylvania the best place to raise a family!
Your gifts to the Pennsylvania Family Council are not tax deductible and are sincerely appreciated.
If you prefer to receive a tax deduction for your contribution, please click here to donate to the Pennsylvania Family Institute.
How to Donate to the Pennsylvania Family Council:
- Online: You can send a secure donation online. Just fill out the form below and follow the directions to give a credit card donation. Minimum online contribution of $10 to cover processing costs, please.
- Phone: You can make a credit donation by phone. Call 1-800-FAMILY-1 (in PA) or 717-545-0600 and give us your credit card information. We will keep your credit information safe and secure.
- Mail: You can send a donation by mail. Just mail your check payable to Pennsylvania Family Council to 23 North Front St., Harrisburg, PA 17101.