We reply to EVERY inquiry within two business days - oftentimes sooner. Please check your SPAM filter if you don’t see a reply.
Whether you are reaching out for yourself or on behalf of a family member or friend, kudos to you for making it this far. Finally asking for help is a major step on the road to Paruresis recovery. We know that key components of our affliction are shame and avoidance. We encourage you to be as forthcoming as possible on this form. Your age, location, sex/gender are needed so we can provide the best match in resources and support. We are sufferers, too, so please know your information is safe with us.
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Correspondence / Shipping Address
International Paruresis Association • PO Box 21237 • Catonsville, MD 21228 • getinfo@paruresis.org
Phone Numbers
844-I-CANT-PEE (422-6873) • 443-315-5250 (Local Number)